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以色列Aerotel 无线远程医疗公司

发布时间:2017-12-21 来源:中以商务网 作者:中以商务

Aerotel 提供低成本、易操作的无线远程医疗与远程护理解决方案,用以提高全民健康水平、保障安全并改善生活质量。我们的解决方案 - 远程监控、家庭护理及接收软件 - 通过电话、手机及网络传输基本数据。我们为 50 多个国家的电子医疗、mHealth 及远程医疗市场提供服务。

Company Profile 

Aerotel Medical Systems is a leading global manufacturer of modular, mobile and home based telemedicine and telecare solutions, designed to transfer essential medical and lifestyle data over the telephone, mobile phone, wireless, the Internet and other electronic media.

Every day, around the world, Aerotel Medical Systems helps its client save costs and enhance their healthcare delivery services.

Aerotel Medical Systems roots trace back to 1985, when its parent company -  Aerotel Ltd. - identified the need to ease the burden of rising costs and diminishing efficiency of primary health care services. Aerotel soon became an important player in the field of telemedicine and remote medical monitoring until, in 1998, Aerotel Medical Systems spread its wings and became an independent entity focusing on the development of advanced telemedicine solutions.

Today, Aerotel Medical Systems is considered a world leader in providing cost-effective, high quality, user-friendly, medical diagnostic systems and devices for the home care, eHealth and telemedicine markets. The company provides a complete disease management package, including transtelephonic devices designed for a variety of remote diagnostic, emergency services, rehabilitation and monitoring applications, including end-to-end hardware and software platforms, with phone and web-based software solutions.

All of Aerotel Medical Systems' solutions ensure optimal performance and maximum reliability. The company takes great pride in its ability to assist physicians in making accurate diagnoses, despite the physical distance between them and their patients. It is equally proud of the fact that its systems relieve patients of the psychological pressures of daily monitoring by helping them lead normal, mobile lives.

In January 2007, Aerotel has completed the acquisition of the Tadiran LifeCare activity of Israeli Tadiran Spectralink Ltd. Tadiran brings many years of experience in telemedicine and remote monitoring project. With this acquisition, Aerotel has expanded its product offering and enhanced its position as a leading provider of innovative remote monitoring solutions for improving people's health, safety and quality of life.

With a client base in over 40 countries around the globe, our systems are used worldwide - from India to the USA, Chile to China, and Australia to Canada. Aerotel is the proud recipient of the "Patient Monitoring Company of the Year Award 2006" and the "Innovation and Growth Strategy Leadership of the Year Award 2007" by Frost & Sullivan.

For further information please review our Website pages, drop us a line or fill in the inquiry form in the Contact Us section of this Website.



—— 以色列游学培训、商务考察专业提供商

咨询电话: 010-80700911/010-57036589

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